About me / This site

By professional training, I am a molecular biologist. As of 2020 I have started a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. My specific interests lie more removed from medicine, in synthetic biology and directed evolution. I have worked in research since my freshman year at Johns Hopkins University, and continuing through several years in industry. My past research projects have had me working on CRISPR, protein engineering, engineered cell therapies, pooled screening, gene therapies, among others.

Outside of my work, work, my hobbies are all over the place. Currently, I’m spending my free time on woodworking, design, guitar, songwriting, film photography, and cooking. I’m hoping to get into video film production, painting, and some industrial manufacturing/product design, and for those have started my ritual of watching a bunch of youtube videos before I start anything.

I made this site to share my work, and some of my ideas. Recently I’ve been reconsidering a lot of things that I once took at face value. There is an unfulfilled niche in subtlety and scientific reasoning in the conversations that dominate current culture. I found that a lot of things I believed to be true, aren’t. There is profound beauty and complexity in the world, that deserves unfiltered examination.